A bit about this person

Honor Eastly is an Australian writer, podcaster, mental health whizz and professional feeler of feelings. Her work has been described as “darkly funny” (by The New York Times) “total magic” (by The Atlantic), and “really quite nice” (by her mum).

Things you might be looking for

If you’re here for content about big, scary feelings, go sign up to her latest project, The Big Feels Club. It’s feel-osophy for people who are sad or scared a bunch of the time.

If you feel like having this person coo gently in your ear, check out the six-episode experimental memoir podcast she made with the ABC called No Feeling Is Final. It’s often been described as “the funniest show about suicide you’ll ever hear”. And it won a bunch of fancy awards (including the podcast equivalent of an Oscar which is pretty dandy).

And if you’re here for stuff about art and money, check out Starving Artist, the podcast Honor made purely as an excuse to ask fellow creatives to give her all their money secrets.

Not enough juicy gossip about this individual?? You can see what she’s up to now here.

If you want to stay in touch

Sign up to get the good oil on upcoming feelings-related projects! (Nothing too drastic, just 1-4 emails per year to keep you in the loop on the latest adventures in feelings!)

Otherwise if you want more of the good oil, more often, sign up to the Big Feels Club newsletter, which comes out every two weeks with a letter straight from the centre of the feelings universe.

I’m currently on a social media hiatus for the wellbeing of my brain, but if you’re into doing some light social media stalking: instagram, twitter, facebook.

If you want to get in touch

Check out the contact page :)