What’s going on in my world

As at early 2021 I am:

  • fresh off the back of working on the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System - a once-in-a-generation commission that was designated with the gargantuan task of fixing Victoria’s broken mental health system. Was truly a privilege to be a part of such an important project!

  • developing a fictional podcast series with ABC about conspiracy theories and how people get sucked into them… something I started thinking about from a mental health perspective in 2019 but has only become more and more relevant in the last year or so

  • developing a doco feature with funding from Film Victoria also about conspiratorial thinking and how doom scrolling can lead people to some pretty dark places in the internet… and how people can get out!
    (I wrote a few grants about conspiratorial thinking recently and either they were really good or this is a very hot button issue right now!)

  • finalising an artwork to go in an exciting exhibition at an awesome gallery in Adelaide later this year (more details to come). For those that have been following me for a while, this will finally be the culmination of a project I started half a decade ago where I collected all my tears for two years. (Yes you read that right!) To stay in the loop on that sign up to my mailing list.

  • scheming with my feelings co-conspirator Graham Panther on new exciting projects for The Big Feels Club - sign up to the Big Feels newsletter to stay in the loop on that (especially if you’re in Melbourne because there’s some cool local stuff on the horizon)

  • in my day life I also train mental health workers (specialising in peer support), and work on myriad of projects across the mental health system and beyond, usually with the good folks at RedPanther